Friday, May 24, 2013


Just a reminder... There will be no daycare on Monday, May 27 in observance of the Memorial Day holiday.
Have a great long weekend!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Ready to be Potted

Check out how big our bean sprouts have gotten! The children have enjoyed watching this "magic" unfold before their eyes. We all love to say together, "The roots grow down and the stem grows up!" Through this process the children have learned to identify the different parts of a plant such as the roots, stem, and leaves. Now our little sprouts are ready to be potted in some soil. Stay tuned...

New Table

Last week our new child-sized picnic table came (some assembly required). As luck would have it, one of our topics for the month of April was construction and building things. So I had plenty of helpers for this project. 

We have been enjoying our new table nearly nonstop since its arrival.